Kale, Avocado & Banana Smoothie

All hail to the power of Kale as it continues to be recognized as one of the world's most nutritious foods ever. High in Vitamins A, C, K, Calcium and is packed with more iron than beef! This awesome nutritional powerhouse is rich in antioxidants and cons


  • 1 ripe banana (so you don't add any sweetener)
  • 2 cups plant-based milk (I used Organic Larder Coconut/Almond Milk)
  • 1 cup ice
  • 1 tsp Organic Larder psyllium husk or Organic Larder chia seeds (optional)
  • 1/2 avocado
  • 1 sachet Organic Larder kale powder
    Blend the banana, milk, psyllium husk/ chia, and ice first. Pour half of it into your glasses/jars. Then add the avocado and kale powder and blend for a lovely green colour. Top the rest of your drink and enjoy!
