
United Arab Emirates



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Bio Cham Rose Hydrolat 100ml

AED 73.00/Unit

100ml per unit

Origin: SYRIA


SKU: 6212502101138

Hydrolats are the aromatic waters produced by the steam distillation of botanical material, usually during the production of essential oils. Hydrolats are gentle and effective. They contain only the most water-soluble chemicals from the plant material plus microscopic drops of the essential oils. Anxiety and depression, bereavement, heartbreak, menopausal mood swings, functional infertility, irregular periods, and pelvic congestion. For anxiety-related palpitations. Conditions of heat relating to the liver and circulation. Gastrointestinal ulceration. Suitable for all skin types especially dry, mature, sensitive skins. Will restore the skin's pH. Use in eczema creams Combines well with Melissa for herpes simplex and zoster.

Method of use: 2 teaspoonful 3 times daily. Health Warning: Should be avoided during the first trimester of pregnancy.

100% Hydrodistilled hydrolat of Rosa damascena flowers

**Non organic product / Halal product
