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    Organic Larder Chana Kabuli is nutrious and healthy. It helps in aiding irregular bowel movements, constipation, acid reflux, gastric ulcers etc. Make a light but spicy receipe with it, and you'll be surprised to see that the family memebers are asking for more. The product is meant for its heavy demand.

    Average nutritional values per 100g Calories 370 Fat 6g 9% Saturated Fat 0g 0% Tans Fat 0g Cholesterol 0mg 0% Carbohydrate 60g 20% Dietary Fibre 17g 70% sugars 0g Protein 19g Vitamin A 1% Vitamin D 0% Calcium 7% Iron 40%

    Organic dollar chick pea (kabuli chana)

    Organic Larder,

    **Organic product / Halal product
